Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter rituals

We are embarking upon a fun-filled Easter weekend and it started with me making, um...you guessed it...COOKIES! I think making decorated cookies is my new obsession. I spend hours looking over posts at sweetopia.net,bakeat350.blogspot.com, bakerella.com, and iammommy.typepad/i_am_baker.
These are just a few of my favorites blogs...I envy their smooth, shiny icing. I dream of getting my icing the same consistency and mixing my colors just right. I imagine it takes them FAR less time to create the magical treats they post... Here are a few of my latest creations...

Which it seems my little sis has been creating too!!! Even oceans away, we are thinking the same.... VIsit her blog to check out her pics.

We also started dyeing eggs. The fire company had an egg dyeing get together where all the kids were invited to dye the eggs for the massive Easter egg hunt Saturday. It turned into the moms and dads dyeing the eggs while the kids played! Though I have to say Whitney did a lot. They did, however, have a lot of brown eggs...have you ever tried to dye a brown egg??? Not easy!
Here are some pics of Whitney dyeing a dozen at our place this evening.

We are looking forward to spending the weekend at Whitney's grammy and pappy's house. We will have our own egg hunt, our Easter meal, and an EARLY, EARLY sunrise service. CAN'T WAIT!

HAPPY EASTER to everyone!