Today we have been married THREE years! It doesn't seem that long at all to me. We celebrated today by working, yeah fun. I actually didn't work, but had a terrbile headache that kept me in bed most of the day and Joe had to work until 7:00 tonight.
We did exchange gifts....our joint Christmas and Anniversary present was the Nintendo Wii, which we got Sunday. For individual gifts, Joe gave me the most thoughtful and best gift ever---a gift card for 1 hour at Massage Envy! I cannot wait to go! I gave him the MARIO Kart game for the Wii, which he is playing now. We plan on going out to Red Lobster tomorrow night for an evening out. We will have Whitney, but at least we will be out together. Joe doesn't have to work Friday, but I do, of course, however I should be done by 4:00 and home by 5:00.
At the risk of sounding mushy, I have to say that I am so happy Joe is my husband. We haven't always done things the traditional ways, but it works for us and we are happy. He understands me, loves me, and makes me laugh. I can't imagine life without him, nor do I want to. I love you honey! Happy Anniversary! I hope we have 100 more!
congratulations! That is great!