Friday, May 28, 2010

National Firefighter Certification

We have been busy this last week. Joe's birthday was Tuesday. We went out to an Italian restaurant in Easton for which we had a gift certificate (I had won it off the radio in December). Then Wednesday night Joe had his graduation ceremony for completing his National Firefighter course.

This is a major accomplishment! He worked for the last 4 months, attending classes every Sunday, Monday and Wednesday. He studied very hard and put a lot of practice into getting his gear on in under a minute! We are very proud of him!

Joe has also had lots of interviews recently, which is a very good thing! He has had interviews for teaching positions and a couple for non teaching positions. He went for a second interview today at a company that inspects, services, and repairs fire equipment. He got the job! YAY!!!! He starts in another week, so he is looking forward to that. There is the possibility of advancement too. He is still going to an interview next week for a teaching position, because it would pay more, but this is a good start for the summer.

This weekend is Memorial Day and we all have Monday off so we can enjoy the nice long weekend. We will have a couple of friends over on Saturday and Monday there is a parade, but other than that, it will lots of rest and relaxation!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Strawberry picking

Today we went strawberry picking! It was a lot of fun for all of us. We had a really nice day for it, not too hot and a little breezy. We had not picked strawberries since Whitney was a baby, so it was about time! The berries are so much nicer and sweeter when you pick them yourself. After we wash them, we are going to freeze some and use the others for a strawberry pie and some for pound cake...CANNOT WAIT! Yum, Yum!

Oh!!!! Today is my best friend Christine's 6th wedding anniversary!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSAY Christine and Michael! I was in their wedding, and it was a very special day! :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Whitney Dances

Whitney's dance company performed for the first time at the Relay for Life Event in Quakertown today. It was SUPER HOT! All the girls did a great job and had a lot of fun! They were so cute in their costumes, too!

Whitney's recital is June 19th at 12 noon at Parkland HS if anyone wants to come out. I am not sure about tickets or anything like that, but will let you know as I get information. We are both so proud of Whitney's performance in her first dance class! She has loved it and made some great friends, too.