Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas fun!

There was lots of activity in the Davis Family this Christmas! We are so glad that Blaine was included in all the fun this year! He had his choral debut in his first ever concert performance. He was terrified, but did a great job!

Whitney also had a holiday concert the very next week. She had a super time performing, but she was really glad to be able to STOP practicing!

Then Christmas! We spent Christmas eve at Grammy and Pappy Brophy's but came home in time to set cookies and milk out for Santa. The kids enjoyed being able to wake up at home on Christmas morning and managed to sleep in until 7AM!

Then, the next day, the kids and I traveled to NC, bypassing a MAJOR snowstorm to get there, to have CHRISTMAS with my mom and sister. We made really good time...left the house at 7 AM and arrived before 4 PM! The kids were great on the drive down. The kids were very excited to see Grandma and Aunt Lisa and of course open presents!