Monday, June 21, 2010

The Latest

We have been pretty busy since Blaine and mom got here on Wednesday. We went to Whitney's dance recital rehearsal Wednesday afternoon.....

.....took a picnic lunch to Kid's Castle on Thursday...

...Whitney had her preschool graduation on Friday....

...Saturday was her dance recital....

...Sunday we went to Knoebel's and celebrated Father's Day! (no pictures)

...and today was Whitney's LAST T-Ball practice/game!


Monday, June 14, 2010

Fairy Tale Day and Cookies

At Whitney's preschool, last Friday June 11th was Fairy Tale day!

It was actually Fairy tale week, but they let the kids dress up on Friday and of course Whitney dressed up like the Pretty Princess that she is.

They also had, as Whitney called it, a fake wedding. She and her friend Andrew (they hang out and play ALL the time!) got fake married. After the wedding, they danced together, did the limbo, and had a parade! Oh how I WISH life were like this fairy tale!

In prep for Blaine and mom flying up here on Wednesday (SO SOON, YAY!!!!), I have been cleaning, and cleaning, and baking, and baking! I have a lot of time on my hands right now since I have the summer off...yes, it is I have been experimenting with some things. I made cake pictures, but it is chocolate cake mixed with icing, shaped like a small ball and covered in candy melts...YUMMY! Whitney had the idea to coat some of them in powdered sugar and I think those were the best.

I also made some cookies for Blaine and my mom.

I LOVE how these turned out....Cute little smiley faces to represent how happy I am that they are coming up. Blaine is coming up for the summer and my mom is staying until the 22nd. We are going to have so much fun! Whitney has her preschool graduation on Friday and her dance recital on Saturday, so we are going to start off busy! So looking forward to it!