Monday, January 5, 2009

One month

It has been one month since we moved up to Pennsylvania! We are settling in well. Whitney started her first day of preschool today. She had a great time and talked about it the whole way home in the car. They had music class with the sticks today, made a cheerio snack for the birds, had hotdogs and fruit for lunch, goldfish and juice for snack, and even got to play outside! All that, I got right from Whitney! Sometimes when I ask her what she did, she will say nothing, or I will tell you later, but today she was nonstop! She was also completely tired out when she got home. She ate dinner and cuddled on the couch the rest of the night until bed. SO SWEET!
We had a lonely weekend while Joe was at work. That is going to be a difficult transition for me. I am used to that being our time to go places and spend together, but we will have to savor other moments that we have now. Whitney and I occupied ourselves on Saturday by going to the Promenade Shops at SAUCON VALLEY (much like Alamance crossing). It was fun, but cold! I took her to the candy store to pick out a bag of candy..lots of gummy bears, gummy worms, and M&M's. Then we strolled around for awhile and finally made it into the Barnes and Nobles where I was hoping she would pick out a book, but she opted for a set of puzzles instead! Sunday, we stayed home and she helped me clean our apartment and do laundry!

I have good news! I have finally been approved for my Level 1 Teacher now I am official. I had to take the PRAXIS again...out of 200 points, I scored 197!!!! So, that is my little pat on the back. :) I will stay at Level 1 for 3 years, then I will move to level 2 and be tenured!
Things are heating up at work...lots of trainings and workshops this month that I am involved in. My boss is going to put out info about me on her blog soon...I will link it when she posts it so you can see how she describes my job.
Well, I hope you all have a great week!!!

1 comment:

  1. you smashed that praxis! way to go! glad the transition is going well.
